Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Foresight and Afterthought
Have you ever been driving along and seen an accident that your going to be in develop right before you. Its a surreal feeling, time slows and details become crisp and clear. Then the accident happens and time seems to stay at a slow pace for you, everyone else seems to rush around you, moving faster than they should. Then after its all said and done you look back and saw wow. You know I could have done this different or that different.
The fact is you did what you did. I am facing a situation like that now. I started working for my current employer 2 years ago. At that time I stated that the company would close the office that I work in and consolidate it with the office in Toronto. Well we were all informed this morning that that was what they were going to do. Now I have watched this process happen over the last two years so I am not really surprised at this turn of events. How ever I like most humans am now sitting here thinking of all the things I could have done different. None of the things I could have done would change the fact that the office is being closed and its operations being moved to Toronto.
Still my mind races on with the could haves and the should haves and the what if's. I am learning to let them go and not harp on them. I am starting to look at different options that I have and finding that I have a lot of questions. I have a super wife who is stressed to the max over this news. However she will not let on to me that is the case. She takes it in stride. I love her so much.
Well wish me luck as well. I have made an appointment to go and write the mensa entrance exam this comming saturday. That will be a bonus on my resume.
Well time to allow time to resume its normal pace and get back into the rat race.