Monday, August 23, 2010


What's currently on my mind.

I have been recently moved by my muse. So I am going to just put down what is on my mind.

I have taken a few IQ tests lately and scored well. I cannot help but realize that the tests you do online could never give an honest interpretation of intelligence. The old fashioned tests are very dependant on where you grew up and what you read. They are more memory and knowledge tests. Now there are tests that base the score on your pattern recognition skills. Well those are less biased but still lack a lot when it comes to intelligence. I can answer the questions with something the programmers never thought of. If there is no one to take this into consideration then the test can only score you on a true or false basis and intelligence is not based on a true / false basis. It is based on a means of recognizing patterns and figuring out puzzles. So even though I scored over 130 on this last IQ test, I do not feel it is an accurate assessment based on my above argument.

Politics. Now there is something that I have tried to avoid all my life. I have never cared for politics. Until I realize that any cause I decide to stand for is in all actuality a political stand. So all my rants about abuse and my helping start up a mens group for survivors have all been political stands and actions. This has been a bit of a profound eye opening. For a brief moment I even thought about running for office so I could make a difference for a whole lot more people. Then I giggled inside and decided to just write some more. I think my efforts are better used in shaping words into sentences and paragraphs. I know I have helped at least some people with my ranting and sharing. This is my political forum right here.

Healing. I have actually done a lot of healing over the past few years. Emotionally and psychologically I am a different person than I was when I started my blogs. The PTSD therapy that I was part of really made a difference. It helped me realize that the path I was on and a lot of what I was already doing were the right things to do. It helped me realize that I was not the only one suffering. It really put thing into perspective. I started my healing path with two lovely ladies in mind. As I struggled and fought with each step I came to realize that I may have started the path for others, however I was going to continue it for myself. That realization has helped make life for us that much better.

Lately I have done a bit of reading. Two books that I have recently finished are "Why Does E=mc2?" This was a rather well written book. I found that it did not go deep enough into the actual physics or mathematics for my liking. However it did a great job of simply explaining relativity and how it relates to modern physics. The second book is " The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy.A Guide to the Good Life." This book was in my opinion excellent. I did not agree with all of the authors points, however I found it well worth the read. It put into words a lot of the philosophy that I have lived my life by. I had no idea that it was a philosophy that had existed over 2 thousand years ago. I have since decided to make some minor changes in my ways to incorporate a few of the ideas in this book. I highly recommend it.

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