Saturday, July 23, 2005
I normally do not remember my dreams. I have been told that when the time is right I will remember them. It seems to be popular belief that your mind will protect you from your dreams after traumatic events.
Last night I dreamed a very unusual dream, for me the fact that I can remember the dream is unusual in and of itself. I had a dream that I was being reborn. The strangeness of this dream is that I was the one who also gave birth to myself. I did not want to die though. So I held off on actually delivering myself for 12 hours. My dream was full of fear. Fear of giving myself something better than what I already had.
I remember so vividly the feeling of despair at the thought of having to die. Even knowing that I was not going to die, that I was only giving myself a new start did not help. I clung to the fact that the old had to end. I even said in my dream "I don't want to die! I was just starting to enjoy this life.".
I don't know what to make of the dream, I just cant get over this foreboding feeling.