Wednesday, July 20, 2005


New Experiences

Well I have come to the relization that I have just gone through and probably still going thruogh some self pity. I have never before in my life felt sorry for myself, nor did I want others to feel sorry for me. I did anything I could to avoid this. I had an event in my life happen a short while back that made me start looking at my life and how it has unfolded so far. I realized how much was never given to me. I realized how much was taken away from me, and I realized how much anger and rage I had and have over this.

This rage and anger has been rearing its ugly head in my life as of late. I have lashed out at my loved ones. I have not meant to, and I have not wanted to. I do not know how to release all this rage and anger. I have alway kept it tucked away in a safe place, or at least what I thought was a safe place. I am realizing that keeping these feelings inside is not a safe place nor a healthy thing to do. I have started blogging to help release some of my feelings and to share some of my thoughts.

The first steps have been taken and the thousand mile journey is engaged. One day I shall see the end of the thousand miles, when that happens I will keep walking.


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