Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Searching for positives.
I was thinking about starting this blog for just random thoughts. I then changed my mind and figured I would post daily positives here. To start a trend. I am use to looking at the negative aspects of life. I am going to start looking for the positives now.
My work place is thinking of starting a rotating shift. This in itself is an issue for me, then add that they are not implimenting it for all the employee's only certain ones. This is another issue for me.
Now instead of rambling on about all the negatives about this I am looking for the good that this will bring.
I have informed my boss that if they do this I will be giving my two week notice. This is not a bad thing. I am in a position that I am not busy enough. The rotating shift is the nudge that I need to motivate myself to search out a new job. Perhaps even a new career. I am now searching for a new job.
This is helping me face some deep rooted fears. The fear of change that exists in all of us, I never realized that it was in me. My life has always been turmoil and change and I always thought that I adapted well. This does not mean that I am not afraid of change though. I do adapt well to most changes. I am a creature of habit like everyone else. Once I get into a comfortable rutt I like to stay there. Now the changes that have happened in the past were actually a way of staying in one of those rutts. The more things change the more they stay the same. That is so true.
Time to search for a fresh start.