Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Long Week-ends

Most long week-ends are not long enough or are too long. I have just had the best long week-end of my life. I took friday off work and the monday was a civic holiday. This gave me 4 days to frolic. I left work on thursday afternoon to go to a job interview. I think I nailed the interview. This was a good start to the week-end. I finished the interview went home and changed clothes. I then went to meet up with my wife and some friends that we had met online who had traveled many hours to come fly thier hot air balloon in the London Balloon Festival. I had never flown in a hot air balloon nor had I ever help set up and tear down a hot air balloon. I arrived at the park found where they had parked and the week-end started.

Over the next 4 days I worked harder than I have worked in a long time. Setup of a balloon is not a difficult task. However trying to keep tens of thousands of people off of the ground that you are using and the ground that you are going to need is a different story. Thursdays flight was a great success. I found out on saturday morning that the hardest part of ballooning is finding a good spot to land. Most land owners do not mind you landing on thier land if you ask permission first. This is not always possible. We only had one negative reaction from a land owner. The rest of the landowners were very hospitable and made me proud to be a Canadian.

I would like to thank our friends for comming to the festival and including us in the week-end. It is one of the most memorable week-ends I have ever had. Our home is always open to you.

Also like to thank my wife for facilitating this week-end. She is the people person in our household and she is the one who made this all possible. Mwah baby, I love you sooooooo much.

I would also like to thank the London Balloon Festival for falling on the week-end of my birthday. It has been the best birthday I have ever had. Thanks to all of the above mentioned.


oh baby I'm so very glad you had a wonderful time. I can honestly say this is one of my top memories of all time.

I love you so very very much
Thank you for sharing your house and your heart with us. Thank you for giving your long weekend of work to help us do this.

Thank you for helping us to be brave and meet an online friend face-to-face for the very first time.

Thank you, for being our friend.
We are the lucky ones to have been able to share your birthday with you.
I do know what it feels like to put others before myself.. and often think i'll be in trouble if I didn't.. If you ever need anyone, I'm here. Huggggs

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