Monday, November 07, 2005


Blah Days

I find the further in I walk the shorter my short term memory gets. I am referring to my walk on the healing path. I am finding that the front of my head just above the eyebrows has a strange tingle that could only be called a headache without the sheer pain of a migrane. I find my thoughts tend to be very short and frayed and I can not seem to concentrate on any one thing for very long. I also find that my mood has gone from one of always being a grump to indifference to starting to feel emotions I did not know existed in real life to now a blah type feeling. I do not feel bad, I do not feel good, I am just blah. I do not look forward to doing anything I do not have reservations about doing anything either. I am in a grey spot on the depression scale.

I can not seem to find my way out of this fog that has enveloped me. I just keep on walking and figure that eventually I will walk right into the sunshine that I have heard all about. Until then I am glad to have your company. Thank you for listening.


How well I know the "blah" you speak of...I have experienced it myself often. It's a feeling of nothingness. I hope we manage to bring you back into the sunshine.

I love you

Your wife
The "blahs" as you call them are a time for a breather. Take a temporary break from soul searching and trying to make sense of everything.

Allow yourself to feel "blah" for a few days, then... tough as this is gonna sound... look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are ready to get out of the doldrums, and do something...

Then - go do it. A walk - a ride - a swim (ok, not in freezing temperatures but in a heated indoor pool) - a day at the batting cages. Something that will force you to look around you.

Healing is not an overnight thing, and should not be expected to be. You are doing a fabulous job of facing yourself and your memories, but even that needs to be put on hold sometimes. Don't overwhelm yourself.

Your friends love you and support you and will never turn from your side even while the fog threatens you. Reach out - feel the hand that reaches back for you through the greyness urging you gently into the clearing.
In my humble experience, sometimes the blahs are just the void before a period of heightened creativity. Sort of the calm before an energy storm.

As I write this, the morning is dawning with a cool, swirling fog, which tempts me to take all out to the porch with a steaming cup of coffee - and feel the cool, wet, greyness on my skin. So you images of fog are coincidentally timed for my reading.

The most important thing that I see in this entry is that you haven't lost sight or hope of the impending sunshine.

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