Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Resume of a Hero

Main Entry: he·ro
Pronunciation: 'hir-(")O
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural heroes
Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hErOs
1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage

• Verbally, Emotionally, Physically, and Sexually Abused all before I was 14 years of age.
• Started drinking before I could walk.
• Started smoking cigarettes at age 6 when given them by babysitters.
• Lived in a tent for two year, in both seasons ( winter and construction )
• Used creativity to find places to keep warm and sleep in winter.
• Adapted to situations around me to stay alive and in good health.
• Proved them all wrong by learning to love myself and others.
• Stayed even in my worst times a decent person.
• Never spent any time in prison.


March 2004 Self Discovery
Current No Longer A Victim – Milton.A.Covering
Responsibilities: Found where I could get some therapy while attending a good will career workshop. Therapy continues on a one on one basis still as well as in a group setting. Building self esteem and self respect. Finding that I have a healthy ego on the grow. Finding self love in non violent or self destructive ways. Distancing myself from the ones that did not protect or care for me.

August 2001 Unconditionally Loved for First time.
Willing Victim
Responsibilities: Found by my current and only wife. She showed me unconditional love and completely changed my world forever.

Fall 1975 School
Spring 1986 Bored Stiff
Responsibilities: Grade 5 I had a personality conflict with my teacher so I spent most of the year with a child psychologist. I was tested for all kinds of disorders and put on Ritalin. This did not improve my behavior, so I was taken off the medication. Grade 6 had the best teacher in the world. Mr. Inkpen taught us math through games like chess and checkers. Taught us science by going out on nature walks, also used these walks to teach us English. Grade 7 failed due to attendance. Grade 8 become a ward of the crown, move out of my parents house and onto the streets. Move into an aunts house once school year is finished. Grade 9 first year of high school and I am bored. Teachers try to make it a challenge by giving my university work to complete. I finish work and still get marks in the high 90’s on items. A friend is raped and murdered by a drug dealing pedophile. I seek and gain approval to leave school at age 15.

Fall 1983 Court
Spring 1985 Accused
Responsibilities: Snuck out of house one evening and went to the shopping mall with a “friend”. Said friend was arrested for stealing and I was arrested for being an accomplice. Two court sessions later friend was found guilty of theft under, given no sentence due to the fact that he was fatherless. I was to return to court for 5 more sessions. Children’s Aid was called in to “Handle” me. Children’s Aid worker after interviewing me and my parents got the charges dropped and filed a case against my parents for being unfit. Spring of 1985 courts find my parents to be unfit and award custody of me to the crown. I am now a ward of the state.

February 1971 Self Abuse
March 2004 Abused
Responsibilities: Get into self defeating cycles of drinking, smoking, hanging out with abusive controlling people. Cut myself. Burn myself. Verbally assault myself on a constant basis. Put myself into dangerous situations. Be emotionally unavailable to myself and others. Be verbally abrasive to others. Be emotionally dead. Spin out of control for many years. Scream for help in various ways.

June 1983 Sexually Abuse
July 1983 Abused
Responsibilities: Get sent to an uncles house in the middle of no where for a summer away from the city
and all its bad influences. Find out the hard way that the uncle is a known pedophile. Be sexually used by uncle and his lover and some of their friends. Beg parents 3 weeks into this “holiday” to be taken home with them when they leave from their week-end visit. Be told no the summer is not over. Go back to the city 10 days later in the back of an ambulance with a major head concussion and no idea what really happened to get said head injury. Get called a liar by most of the family and be told by father years later that he knows what happened because the same was done to him and told to chalk it up as experience and move on.

July 1970 Verbal Abuse
December 2001 Abused
Responsibilities: Listen to parents, teachers, vice-principles and other figures of authority tell me how I would amount to nothing. Hear how I had failed. Hear how bad of a person I was. Hear how everything was my fault. Start believing all that is told to me. Try to be better and be verbally berated for trying to change.

July 1970 Emotional Abuse
December 2001 Abused
Responsibilities: Be responsible for anything and everything that went wrong. Consistently fail to live up to other peoples expectations of me. Fail to read peoples minds to figure out what expectations are for me. Be emotional support two supposed adults and two siblings. Try to emotionally protect siblings so that they would not receive the beatings, lectures and stares.

July 1970 Physical Abuse
May 1982 Abused
Responsibilities: Be the emotional whipping boy for an emotionally unbalanced mother. Receive spankings until hide toughens to the point that bare hands do not work, then move on to leather belts, straps, wooded kitchen utensils, metal kitchen utensils, anything else that is within reach during an adult temper tantrum.

This type of behavior continued until I was large enough to defend myself.


July 1970 Hard Knocks
Current Stronger Person

July 1984 The Streets
October 1991 Adaptive and Creative Person

And that is what you truly are, Chris.. a hero.. and I applaud you.. you have come a long way.. and things get better with time.. and good things come to those that wait. You and Lisa are some of the best people I have ever known, and to me bro, you'll always be my hero.. you deserve the title.

Love, Lil sis
I was proud of you when you first did this and even more proud of you for posting this online.

You always have been and always will be my hero.

Your kaat
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